[vc_row unlock_row=”” row_height_percent=”0″ override_padding=”yes” h_padding=”2″ top_padding=”5″ bottom_padding=”5″ overlay_alpha=”50″ gutter_size=”3″ shift_y=”0″ row_height_use_pixel=””][vc_column column_width_use_pixel=”yes” gutter_size=”3″ font_family=”font-134980″ overlay_alpha=”50″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ z_index=”0″ medium_width=”0″ zoom_width=”0″ zoom_height=”0″ column_width_pixel=”800″][vc_column_text text_lead=”yes”]The new 2022 building in Aspire Zone, the latest architectural marvel in Qatar, is an iconic structure thanks to its unique and aesthetically appealing design.
Inaugurated by HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani, it is the first such building of its kind in the world as it is in the shape of a year’s numerals – 2022 – when Qatar hosts the FIFA World Cup.
The mixed-use building is spread over some 60,000sq m and includes administrative offices, an integrated health club, restaurants and cafes, meeting rooms and a lecture theatre. The building, which consists of four wings of five floors each, also includes about 600 parking spaces in addition to being directly connected to Khalifa International Stadium.
The inauguration coincided with the anniversary of Qatar winning the bid to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup, on December 2, 2010.
The building is the brainchild of Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad bin Nasser al-Thani, who developed the design under the supervision of prominent Qatari architect Ibrahim Mohamed Jaidah, in partnership with Antonio Capone, founder of P&C Associates (Milan).
Al Bandary Engineering was the main contractor for the project while Lauro International was the developer. The design of the building was completed in 2013 and work on it started in mid-2018.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image media=”476″ media_lightbox=”yes” media_width_percent=”100″ shadow=”yes” shadow_weight=”std”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner column_width_percent=”100″ align_horizontal=”align_center” gutter_size=”3″ overlay_alpha=”50″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ width=”1/1″][vc_button size=”btn-lg” border_width=”0″ link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.laurointernational.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F12%2Flauro-and-partners-rassegna-stampa-qatar2022-0.pdf||target:%20_blank|”]Download PDF[/vc_button][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row unlock_row_content=”yes” row_height_percent=”50″ override_padding=”yes” h_padding=”0″ top_padding=”0″ bottom_padding=”0″ back_color=”color-lxmt” overlay_alpha=”50″ equal_height=”yes” gutter_size=”0″ shift_y=”0″ row_height_use_pixel=””][vc_column column_width_percent=”70″ position_vertical=”middle” gutter_size=”3″ override_padding=”yes” column_padding=”5″ overlay_alpha=”50″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ medium_width=”0″ zoom_width=”0″ zoom_height=”0″ width=”1/2″][vc_custom_heading text_font=”font-202503″ text_size=”h4″ text_height=”fontheight-357766″ sub_lead=”yes” sub_reduced=”yes” text_uppercase=”” subheading=”- Luigi Lauro from Lauro International business development company highlighted the strength of the Qatari economy.”]“We were briefed on the adequacy of the Qatari economy and the provision of investment opportunities for foreign investors. This gives a strong push forward and makes Qatar a gateway for businessmen and investors.”[/vc_custom_heading][/vc_column][vc_column column_width_percent=”100″ gutter_size=”3″ override_padding=”yes” column_padding=”0″ back_color=”color-wayh” back_image=”475″ back_position=”center bottom” parallax=”yes” overlay_alpha=”0″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ zoom_width=”0″ zoom_height=”0″ width=”1/2″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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